THIS unusual question was asked by an earnest Christian. The one addressed meant to answer, Nothing. For what that man has made could dwell in that blissful place of the redeemed (the Father’s house)? But, because the questioner was a Christian not given to speaking idle thoughts, the man seemed at a loss. His mind dwelt on the glorious and heavenly places with legions of serhim and cherubim and the countless number of redeemed, but nothing occurred to him that the hands of man could have made. On the contrary, that Word out of God’s mouth came to him, “For all those things hath Mine hand made.” Isa. 66:2.
Yet, as he was about to answer, “I don’t know,” a voice seemed to whisper in his ear, ‘“The wounds on the Lord Jesus!”
Yes, so it is, the hands of man inflicted those wounds. And these wounds, even though healed, the Lord Jesus took along out of the grave, up into heavenly glory. When He will come again to judge the world, then the tribes of Israel will look upon Him “whom they have pierced.” When someone will ask Him, “What are these wounds in Thine hands?” then He will answer, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of My friends.” Zech. 12:10; 13:6.
The nail prints which Jesus, the Lord of glory, received when He bore our judgment and obtained eternal redemption for us are still on His glorified body, and will be seen throughout eternity.
Praise and honor be to Him forever!