What Is Jesus to You?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
WE were glad to take refuge in a little Jewish store as the rain was falling heavily. The keeper of the store was assisted in his work by his daughter, a bright and cheerful little maiden who seemed ready to help her father in every way possible. We were treated very kindly, and invited to stay as long as we wished.
As our attention was thus turned to this dear girl. our hearts went out to her, for we knew that she was not being brought up to love the name of Jesus. It seemed to us a real calamity, knowing as we did that there was no salvation apart from that name.
A halt hour passed, and the storm continued. The rain even increased in violence, and we were obliged to remain longer.
The postman called, and in the mail which he left, was a Jewish magazine which the daughter offered to us to look over to while away the time of waiting.
In its way, it was of interest. It treated of everything relating to Jewish affairs—the ancient land of Palestine around which the Jewish heart and hopes are properly centered. The name of God was mentioned, but O how lacking it seemed to us, for the name of Jesus was absent.
How sad that there are those who would deliberately ignore the Lord Jesus. What a hopeless outlook is theirs in so doing.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.” John 14:6.
“He that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” 1 John 5:12.
Were it not for the coming of the Lord Jesus into the world, and by His death on the cross, opening up in this way an approach to the Father, our situation would be deplorable indeed. But we know that Jesus has come, and that by His sacrificial work, sin was dealt with, and the only question with us now is whether or not we accept Him.
Probably the most of those who read these lines, are not open rejectors of the Lord Jesus, as is the Jewish nation at large. Many of you, doubtless, are in the broad sense, within the pale of Christianity. But the formal acceptance of Christian truths will not save the soul. One might believe that Jesus is a Saviour, and yet spend eternity in company with His bitterest enemies.
What then is essential to salvation? Let us answer this question with the following passage of Scripture,
“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them who believe on His name.” John 1:12.
He who truly receives the Lord Jesus into his heart, can say, “It was for my sins that Jesus died, and He has become my Saviour,” thus. by faith, making God’s provision your own.
God wants you to reap the benefit of the work on Calvary’s cross. He wants you to be saved. Therefore receive the Saviour today, and be made happy now and forever.
ML 04/19/1925