Modernism is simply Infidelity, ―a systematic attack on every truth of Scripture, subtle and Satanic.
It is the old Paganism revived. It is the (fancied) wisdom of man setting up gods according to his own ideas, and worshipping them, to the dethronement of the Triune God, in all three Persons.
God has revealed Himself in His Word, and pre-eminently in and by His Son; and the Holy Spirit is on earth today to be the power of the reception and communication of that revelation.
Well, when that revelation of God―the true God―is set aside―denied indeed, what is there left? Nothing but the old state of Paganism.
When this denial occurs in those professing Christianity it means Apostasy, solemn word!! terrible state!!
I say that only the old state of Paganism is left.
This is unwittingly confessed by these Modernists in their creed as regards Comparative Religions. They tell us that by “a large and free study of other religions” (i.e., Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Mohammedanism, and what not) is given a broad and divine conception of how God has revealed Himself in the past to men of all ages and climes.
That is, they adopt Paganism, while they apostatize from Christianity.
They may not worship gods made by their own hands, but they do worship gods set up by their own minds; and since man of himself can never rise higher than himself, they are worshipping their own ideals, just as the heathen have ever done, and God―the Living God, and His Christ, in their eternal Godhead and revelation in Manhood, they entirely discard, though they may allow their own false conception of these Blessed Persons a place in their theology.
Modernism in its essence and result is Infidelity and Paganism-the Apostasy of 2 Thess. 2:3 begun. The spirit and aim of it we find given in Psa. 2:1-3. “Let us break their (God and His Christ’s) bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.”
For us believers, it is the signal that the Corning of the Lord is very near.
F. L. H.