What Is the Gospel?

WHAT is the Gospel? ‘Tis just what is needed;
See all of your sins on the Crucified laid;
Look only to Jesus (whose merits are pleaded),
And take His own word, that your debt is all paid.
For your sins He died, and the free gift receiving,
Of life everlasting, will make your heart melt;
You cannot repent, without also believing―
Believing will prove that you truly repent.
Yes; this is the Gospel — that “he that believeth
Hath life everlasting,” is free from the curse;
No longer condemned, he “a kingdom receiveth
Which cannot be moved,” were his case even worse.
It says each believer has present salvation,
“Is passed e’en already from death unto life,”
And “never shall come unto sin’s condemnation,”
That coming to Jesus has ended the strife.
Thus ransomed we serve Him, and faster and faster
We run after Jesus, and love Him the more;
The slave that’s set free by a kind trusting master,
Will die for the friend that he hated before.
John 5:24. John 11:25, 26. Heb. 12:28.
1 Peter 1:3-5. 1 Peter 2:24. 1 John 5:10-13.