I wonder if any of you are fond of spiders? No doubt you like watching them; it is so interesting to see the clever way they make their webs. Do you think they teach us any lessons? Let us find out what the Bible tells us about thenk. The spider is only mentioned three times: once in Job, once in Isaiah, and once in Proverbs.
In Job 8:14 we are told that the hypocrite’s hope and trust is like a spider’s web. Now, do you think any of you would trust to a spider’s web? I am sure you would not. But I want you to think whether your hope is like one. I daresay you hope for a great many things; but what hope have you for eternity? Are your sins forgiven? If you are trusting the Lord Jesus, then you have a good foundation for your hope,
“The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7.
If not, then your hope is like the one in our chapter, like a spider’s web.
The second lesson the spider teaches us in Isaiah 59:5,6. The beginning of the chapter tells us how God’s people had separated themselves from Him by their sins, and then they were weaving garments of works like spiders’ webs to cover themselves. Did you ever think that the iatighty things which you have done will separate you from God forever, unless you repent of them and turn to Him for forgiveness, because the Lord Jesus died for you. It is no use for any of you to try and cover up your sins. Anything you may do to them is only like a spider’s web, in God’s sight, and you Al know how easily you can see through that.
“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth, and foaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13.
Now the third lesson the spider teaches us is a very bright one. We shall find it in Proverbs 30:28. I suppose we should not be surprised to find plenty of spiders in our gardens and in dusty cupboards and places of that kind; but this verse tells us that the spider is in king’s palaces. Fancy a little spider finding a place for itself in a king’s palace! It seems to speak to us of little children finding a home in the palace of the King of kings. You will all know who is spoken of in the Bible as the King of kings. It is the Lord Jesus, and He has a place prepared, ready, for every one who loves and trusts Him.
“I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2,3.
Now I hope the next time you see a spider, you will try and remember all the lessons that it teaches us.
ML 03/15/1942