What Shall It Profit?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 9
"OH! how can I leave my horses, my hounds, and my sweet Ballyannan? “Such were the dying utterances of a man who had lived only for the pleasures of this world, surrounded by every comfort, and possessed of everything that could conduce to earthly happiness and gratify the carnal mind.
His mansion was beautifully situated a few miles from the lovely town of Queenstown, Co. Cork; the demesne extended to a river running up from the harbor, and altogether it was a most desirable place.
This man had his horses, his own pack of hounds, and facilities for yachting and boating; he became completely absorbed in the enjoyment of those things, and his daily life was a continual stream of excitement and anxiety to enjoy vain delights to the complete exclusion—yes, extinction from his mind of thoughts of the future. Even in his last moments there was no thought of the soul. But one care absorbed him—"Oh! how can I leave these things?”
What a lamentable state of mind! Not one thought of his Maker, or as to where his soul was going! Can anything be more sad, more heartrending to friends and relations than thus to be gathered round a bed whereon a human being is lying ready to depart, knowing or caring nothing for the life to come, and whose whole existence is centered on things present?
From my experience of the world, and of the large number of those with whom I have mingled, I fear that this man's case is not an isolated one, and although many may not be so absorbed in worldly matters to the utter exclusion of things immortal, as he was, yet, I fear, comparatively few really rejoice in the Lord, and desire to live a holy, humble Christian life.
There is the case of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man died, possibly as the man of whom I am writing, clinging to the world, "but in hell he lifted up his eyes." Our Lord says how hard it is for a rich man to enter into heaven. What an example hereof is the man's case of whom I write, and how forcibly it proves our Lord's saying! But, thanks unto our heavenly Father, with Him all things are possible, and He is willing to accept all who come to Him—rich and poor. Oh, that those who have the riches of this world might use them and not abuse them, but dedicate them to His use, to His honor and glory, in helping to spread the gospel throughout all the earth. VICTOR.