What Skipper Wanted

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 3
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Skipper wanted a drink, but his water dish was dry. There was not one drop of water in it. He went to Lisa and sat up begging and barked. He said just as plainly as he could, “Please, Lisa, I want a drink.”
“You’re a good doggie,” said Lisa and patted him. “Now be quiet,” she added. She did not understand what he wanted.
Lisa’s sister Ruthie did not understand him either. “Oh, Skipper, do you want a dog biscuit? Well, here’s one for you.” Skipper took the dog biscuit and then laid it down on the floor.
Daddy did not understand either. “Okay, Skipper,” he said. “There’s a bone for you out in the garage. I’ll get it for you.” But when the bone was laid down in front of Skipper, he just looked at it. He did not want a bone either.
“I wonder what Skipper wants?” Mother questioned as she turned on the water in the kitchen sink.
Skipper walked over to the sink and whined as he looked at the water. “Maybe he wants some water, Lisa. Check his water dish.”
Lisa found the dish completely empty. There was not even a drop! Lisa brought the dish to the sink and filled it up. Did Skipper’s tail wag! At last he had his drink.
Boys and girls often want something too. But they are not like Skipper who knew exactly what he wanted, because children often do not know what they want. First they want a toy, but they soon get tired of it. Then they start reading a book. When that does not interest them anymore, they look for something else to do. They are always wanting something that they do not have.
A person who has the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour has everything that he needs. Being saved is what brings real happiness. The water they gave Skipper took care of his thirst, but he would soon be thirsty again. The Lord Jesus Christ will give us the “living water” which will last forever. He is that “living water.” He is the only one that can satisfy all our needs. He loves us so much that He died for the sins of all who will trust in Him. Will you believe that He died for your sins?
Jesus said, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).