What Some of the Soldiers Say

One kneeling beside a worker prays: “Oh Christ, I am in the dark, but I just want You.”
Another who had a Testament given him, told the donor:
“Well I guess my old mother in Kentucky would be glad to know I had that Book.”
Another Mr. Byonell speaks of. He asked a young lad:
“Well lad; so you are going over the top?” “Yes, sir.” “Is it all right, lad?” “Well sir, I don’t know. I am not sure. I would like to have a word with you.” “Come inside, my boy.” They went into the little room; when they came out there was a glory on the bay’s face that could only come from the presence of God. He said: “It is all right now, sir. I can go over now.” Two days after this lad was in the presence of.