What the Boys and Girls Saw

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We will go with our young and with our old; with our sons and with our daughters.” This was the answer of Moses when the king of Egypt asked who was to go to serve God. Exodus 10:9.
And in that big company who hurried away from Egypt after the Passover, there must have been many boys and girls. They could not ride as you do on a journey, but probably walked all the way. Some would help carry the bundles, or the little children; others help drive the sheep, goats, and cattle.
There was no place to sleep the first nights, only under tree branches; and the bread dough must have been cooked on hot stones. But they saw many wonderful sights no other boys and girls have ever seen, but also some sad things.
They must have been very frightened when they saw the king’s army after them, until they saw that God had made the deep waters of the Red Sea divide and stand up like great walls, with the dry road between. How happy they must have been when safe across, to sing with their pants thanks to God!
When hungry how glad they would be to see and eat the small, round, white manna, and to help gather it. When thirsty they saw the great rock open, and water flow out, plenty for all.
The awful lightning and thunder at Mt. Sinai would make them tremble, but many were not too young to hear God’s voice and to obey Him.
How sad that a short time after, they saw the people dance around the calf of gold, when God had said to make no images!
After the people had sorrowed for their sin, they saw the two stones with the ten laws engraved on, and heard Moses read them. Exodus 34:29-33.
They must have seen the work for the court and Tent of God: the wood cut for the pillars; and the women spinning goats’ hair, and also, the blue, purple, and scarlet to embroider the fine linen curtains. Exodus 35:25,26.
Can you think of other things those boys and girls saw the first year of that journey?
ML 01/30/1938