AFTER a life of pleasure,
While thoughtless, young and gay,
You say you'll come to Jesus
Some more convenient day.
What then?
Then you will think of riches,
For this you'll scheme and plan,
And thinking too of others,
Do all the good you can.
What then?
Then you'll be full of trouble,
Too full of care to think—
You're getting nearer, nearer,
To hell's eternal brink.
What then ?
You then must die—how solemn !
Your chances all have fled,
Your soul—God's grace rejected—
In darkness find its bed.
What then?
Then Christ Himself will call you
Before the Great White Throne,
Where you will see recorded
All things that you have done. What then?
Dreadful will be the sentence,
Depart ! depart from Me,
Abide in outer darkness
For all eternity.
"Behold, NOW is the accepted time;
Behold, NOW is the day of salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2.