What Will You Do Without Him?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"What will you do with Jesus?"
The call comes low and sweets
And tenderly He bids you
Your burdens lay at His feet;
O, soul so sad and weary,
That sweet voice speaks to thee:
Then what will you do with Jesus?
What shall the answer be?
What will you do without Him,
When He has shut the door,
And you are left outside because
You would not come before?―
When it is no use knocking,
No use to stand and wait;―
To hear those words of sorrow,
That terrible, "Too Late"?
What will you do without Him,
When the Great White Throne is set,
And the Judge who never can mistake,
And never can forget,
The Judge whom you have never here
As Friend and Savior sought,
Shall, summon you to give account
Of deed, and word, and thought?
Why will you do without Him?
He calls and calls again:
"Come unto Me! Come unto Me!"
O, shall He call in vain?
He wants to have you with Him;
Do you not want Him too?
You cannot do without Him;
And He wants even you.