What Will You Do Without Him?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
What will you do without Him?
When death has sealed your fate,
And the word of doom tolls though your soul,
That terrible "Too late!"
What will you do without Him?
When the great White Throne you face,
And speechless you stand before Him,
A rejector of His grace?
You cannot do without Him,
There is no other name,
By which you ever can be saved—
No way, no hope, no claim!
Without Him—everlasting loss
Of Love, and life, and light!
Without Him—everlasting woe,
And everlasting night!
Why should you do without Him?
It is not yet too late;
He has not closed the day of grace,
He has not shut the gate.
Why will you do without Him?
He calls, and calls again:
"Come unto Me! Come unto. Me!"
Oh, shall He call in vain?