What's Going On?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 8
The above three words can be a statement or they can be a question. Our intention is to take them up as a statement although sometimes we will have to stop and ask, "What is going on?"
We live in such very interesting times and the things that are going on today very often relate to something found in the Bible, the Word of God. We know that God has His plan for the earth and that nothing can hinder the full accomplishment of everything He has purposed. All will be fulfilled.
In Psalm 132 we find, "The Lord hath chosen Zion; He hath desired it for His habitation." He further says, "This is My rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it." vv.13,14. This place is the center of the earth in God's purposes. The four directions, north, east, south, and west relate to Jerusalem. Zion is one of its hills.
To the north of Israel at the present time, there is much going on in Lebanon and Syria. A little farther to the north is another country that is beginning to stir and make its importance known in the world. We refer to TURKEY, a large country in both area and population.
The three-and-one-half year war in the Persian Gulf has been escalating instead of diminishing to the consternation of all the surrounding nations. Some of these nations would very much like to act as peacemakers but because of not having been neutral or lacking credibility are not in a position to do so. Turkey has kept herself strictly neutral in the war between Iran and Iraq. She has a large economic trade with each nation so is in quite a favorable position to act as peacemaker if some kind of settlement can be negotiated.
The Turkish Prime Minister, Turgut Ozal, visited Iraq in April and Iran in May. The primary reason was to discuss economic issues, but it also shows Turkey's desire to project herself as the only credible peacemaker in that area.
Of what interest are these things to the Christian today? Those who are looking for glory to come to the Lord Jesus Christ know that there are certain events to take place before He shall have His rightful place here on earth. Matt. 24:32 says, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree." Luke 21:29 says, "Behold the fig tree, and all the trees." In these scriptures trees are symbols of nations and the fig tree is Israel who of late years is again a nation after centuries with no territory at all.
We know from Daniel 11 and other scriptures that there is to be a great nation to the south of Israel and one to the north. For some few years now Egypt has been gaining strength after years of much weakness and so seems ready to fulfill her place in prophecy. The king of the south will be from Egypt.
Syria to the north of Israel has gained prominence lately. She and Iraq are armed by Russia. It is likely that the power to the north at first will be close to Israel and include more than just Syria. It may be that both Turkey and Iraq or parts of them will be involved in that power to the north.
These events now shaping up the nations for the judgments that precede the millennial kingdom are surely strong indications of the nearness of the Lord's coming.
The apostle Peter, when writing about coming things, left us this exhortation, "What manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?" 2 Pet. 3:11. It is important for us then to learn by what is taking place amongst the nations, particularly around Jerusalem, and to live as those who belong to Christ now. It may be that because of this we suffer reproach and tribulation, but if it is for the name of Christ the answer is in 1 Pet. 4:14, "Happy are ye." Then it adds, "The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you."
Fellow believer, can we not also apply that wonderful verse in Luke 21:28? "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.