"Where Art Thou?"

Alas, he was fleeing from his Friend, he was hiding away among the trees. A great wall of separation had come between Adam and God. It was there because of sin.
Where art thou? In darkness, fear and danger, because of sin, no longer walking by the side of his Great Friend in the garden, cut off by sin.
“Where art thou?” dear reader of this page. Are you hiding from God; “far off” from Him, because of sin, that you still cling to and will not give up? Sad indeed then is your position. Dark, because God’s face is hidden, dangerous, because the wages of sin is death. Yet God sought the sinful one who fled from him. “Where Art Thou?” Thus He seeks you; He desires to have you not far off, but near.
The wise men of the East, led by the star, had ever this thought in their mind, until it became a spoken question. “Where is He?” When they appeared in Jerusalem He was very near, just a mile or two away only. He Who was close to the Father’s heart Himself, was to bring lost men back to God. They were to be made nigh by the blood of Christ. What blessed light in the darkness of separation from God, what peace and safety to all who are hiding from God!
When the two questions are, so to speak, united, when “Thou” in the first question meets “He” in the second question, then the song of the redeemed begins in a fairer paradise than Eden. It begins, even now. And if now we can say, “We have found Him,” we can look forward with joy to seeing Him where He is and abiding with Him forever.
Margaret Esdaile.