When I was a little child, I looked forward with pleasure to the snow-storms. We rolled the snow into big balls and made snow-man. Sometimes we built up walls of snow in the form of houses.
Can you tell me, dear children, how long the snow-men and the snow-houses will last? What happens to them when the sun comes out bright and warm? They will melt away and disappear. You cannot keep them very long.
The same is true of all the pleasures that this world offers, Some may last longer than others, but they will all pass away sooner or later.
So the Lord tells us to set our “minds on things above, not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:2), but to “lay up treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20).
These heavenly treasures will never perish. We shall possess them, and enjoy them throughout eternity.
When some pleasure of this world ends, when sonic, pleasant thing fades away from our sight, like the snow-man, we feel sad and lonely, or discontented because of the loss.
But if we are living for the Lord Jesus,— if we are telling others about. God’s, wonderful salvation, and showing love and kindness to those around us, we are laying no treasures that cannot be taken from us. Our joy will be lasting. It will not be followed with unsatisfied feelings of discontent.
Let your heart be filled with love for your Saviour. Let your life be filled with good deeds for Him, who says,
“Behold, I come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” Rev. 22:12.
ML 06/25/1939