Where the Unsaved Dead Are, At, and After, Their Resurrection

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 6
When the Lord comes as Judge, He judges the living at His appearing, and in His Kingdom, which is called Millennial, as it means a thousand years. It is the time when righteousness reigns, and judgment goes on every day (Isa. 32:1).
Some are cast into the lake of fire without dying, with bodies that fire cannot consume (Rev. 19:20, and 20:10). But the wicked dead, that is, those who have sinned and have died without Christ, are still in the prison, till the heavens and the earth flee away, preparatory to the new heavens and the new earth taking their place (Rev. 20:11, and chapter 21:1).
Here in Revelation 20:11-15, we find the resurrection of judgment. No blessed and holy are here. The latter were all raised before (verses 5, 6). All who have done or practiced evil are here, they were not born again. The flesh profiteth nothing. It cannot bring forth good fruit (Matt. 7:17).
Here then we see the dead, though now raised, body and soul reunited, yet they are the spiritually dead. There is a Great White Throne, a symbol of the holiness of God’s judgment, and there before this Great White Throne of divine righteousness, they stand upheld in space, in a light that hides nothing, that shows the sinner every sin that he has committed from his birth to his death, for “God requireth that which is past.” (Eccl. 3:15).
He will not fail in His justice; the time of mercy is past. The Son of Man is the judge (John 5:22, 27; Acts 17:31). The wages of sin is death, and here it is the second death, the lake of fire. What eternal regrets, as they think of mercy despised, grace rejected, opportunities of salvation slighted, till the last.
The books give a true account of their works. That other book, the book of life, is there, to witness that their names are not in it, therefore they must be judged according to their works.
Mark it, there is no annihilation here, nor restoration to the favor of God. That cannot be now; there is nothing now but eternal judgment in the lake of fire.
What a wretched company are seen there in Revelation 21:8, and none can escape. The sea is emptied; death and hades hold them no longer. They must stand before the judgment throne of God (Rom. 14:10-12).
What about you, dear reader, have you come to Christ yet? If not, it will be “Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.”
In eternity there are three places,
The new heavens are filled with God’s redeemed heavenly saints.
The new earth is filled with its redeemed earthly saints (2 Peter 3:13).
The lake of fire contains all the lost who die without Christ, or lived in their sins till judgment fell upon them.
Where will you be for eternity? Come to Jesus now. Now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too late for you.
(Continued from page 187)