MY reader, let me affectionately ask you where you will spend eternity? It must be either in glory and happiness with God and the Lamb, or in darkness and misery with Satan and his angels. Now do consider the question which I again ask, Where will you spend eternity? You may say, perhaps, I do not like to think of such things; it only makes me gloomy and sad. Why is this? Can it be from any other cause than your having a guilty conscience? Look the matter fully in the face, I beseech you! If you knew that God had forgiven your sins, and that Jesus had gone into the Father’s house to prepare a place for you, could it make you unhappy to think where you will spend eternity? Impossible!
Dear reader, beware lest you lose your own soul—lest your present trifling be suddenly stopped by the word going forth, “This night thy soul shall be required of thee!” Only consider what God has done to save sinners; what wonderful love He must have for guilty, ruined sinners, to give His Son, His only begotten Son, to come into this world, and die upon the cross to save them! Yes, dear reader, Jesus died for such sinners as you and I. Instead of punishing us for our wickedness as we deserved, God loved us, and sent His Son to atone for sin by His death upon the cross. So that this work having been accomplished, God can now freely and justly forgive all those who avail themselves of the sin-cleansing value of the blood of Jesus!
Take refuge then, dear reader, in Jesus, who once died upon the cross to save guilty and lost sinners, whom God raised from the dead, and has seated at His own right hand in the heavens. Consider that it is God, against whom you have so sinned, who says, “Through this man (Jesus) is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe are justified from all things.” (Acts 13:38-39.)
Oh, dear reader, why not believe? Why not believe now? Why not take God at His word now, who says that, if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, you are justified from all things? Believe then, and rejoice, because God says, through the blood shedding and death of Jesus He justifies you from all things. Then you will be able truthfully to say, I shall spend eternity with Jesus in glory!