They had arrived at the seaside, and had enjoyed themselves sailing toy boats, donkey riding, sand castle building, and in many other ways.
This morning two boys were quarrelling, and their mother came to settle the difficulty. She could not find which was the one to blame. At last she said,
“Well, I shall find out at the judgment day which of you told the lie.”
A few nights after, there was a dreadful storm, which blew the roof off the house. The little boys were frightened, and began to pray. When the mother opened the bedroom door, the boy who told the lie cried out,
“Mother, if it’s the judgment day, it was me that told the lie.”
Remember the Bible says, “For every idle word that men (or boys) shall speak they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment” Matt. 12:36. Get right with God now. With a contrite heart, accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, and you will be saved now, and safe forever in Eternity.
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
ML 09/27/1936