Which of the Three?

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NO doubt you have noticed that the first Psalm describes two different men—a blessed or happy man in the first three verses, and an ungodly man in the latter three.
It is well to be quite sure as to which part of the Psalm describes any one of us.
Let me tell you an incident which brought this truth to a man’s soul for his eternal blessing.
A city missionary, who spent his time in visiting public-houses, and there seeking to win souls for Christ, was one day reading aloud in the bar of an inn, when he was rudely assailed by one of the persons present with the, remark that he thought too much of himself, and that others could read as well as he.
“No doubt,” he said.
“I can read as well as you can. I’m quite ready to read you a match!”
“Very well,” said the missionary as he opened his Bible. “The landlord shall be the judge, and those present the jury.”
“Now,” he said, “will you read first, or shall I?”
“Oh, you read first,” said the man.
Whereupon the missionary read the first three verses of the first Psalm, and then, handing the book to his rival, asked him to complete the portion.
This he did, and the landlord was appealed to as to which was the winner.
He declared that they were both very good readers, but that the first man was the better, as he “was more accustomed to it.”
“Well, now,” said the missionary to his of opponent, “can you tell me which of the verses we have read describes you? Are you one of the blessed men of the first three, or one of the ungodly men of the last part? Which?”
In result, God blessed the conversation, and the second reader became a happy man.
And may I ask you, my reader, is it the first or the last part of the Psalm which classifies you?
Are you happy, separate from sinners and an evergreen, or ungodly, exposed to judgment, and about to perish? Which?
What makes the difference?
If you have received Him as your “all in all” you have passed from the latter verses into the former.
If not, however moral or religious, your place is amongst the ungodly.
If such is the case, may God give you to look to it without delay.