“They crucified Him....Then were there two thieves crucified with Him, one on the right hand, and another on the left” (Matt. 27:35,38).
“So there was a division along the people because of Him” (John 7:43).
What a moment in the world’s history! The crucified Son of God dividing the thieves the one from the other! From that day to this, the Lord Jesus has separated the inhabitants of the world into two distinct peoples.
With wicked hands the world put to death the Son of God. Since that day, some, with broken hearts confessing their sin, have found mercy and forgiveness. The rest of the world is still under the charge of murder. No one can be neutral.
On which side of the cross are you? Are you on the side of the thief who only “railed on Him” or are you with the one who, acknowledging his guilt, said, “Lord, remember me”?