Which Way Should I Go?

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Everybody was very, very busy among the campers that day. They were pulling up tent pegs, folding tents, packing food and clothing. Everyone knew that it was time to move on.
How did they know? There were probably about a million people in the camp of the children of Israel that day, but they all knew the signal that told them it was time to move. In the center of the camp was the tabernacle, and over that wonderful place was the pillar of cloud, which gave them nice, cool shade all day in the scorching heat. It also gave them cozy light at night. This was God’s plan for the children of Israel—His people.
When the cloud lifted up off the tabernacle and the priests blew their silver trumpets, then it was time to move on. They had been a long time in one place, but the moving signal made it plain. It was time to move, and there was no arguing about it.
Did you know that moving-time is coming for you too? Everybody knows that we are not in this world to stay. You may follow what “everybody says” and find yourself alone in the dark. There is one book, and only one, that will tell you how to reach the happy home in heaven where God our Father will welcome you forever. That book is the Bible. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man [comes] unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). Our Jesus is the only One who died that we might live.
There were boys and girls in the camp that day, and maybe they asked questions as children do. “Where are we going, Dad?” And Dad would answer, “I don’t know, son. We’ll just follow the cloud.” Would you be satisfied with that answer? If you trusted in God, you certainly would be!
If there were a million people, who would be the first in line? God decided that. He said that the tribe of Judah would go first. And so the people of Judah raised their banner high, and all those who belonged to Judah got in line behind their banner.
The Lord has a banner too, and His banner is LOVE. We can’t see it on a pole, but we can certainly see it in the way real Christians act. If you really belong to Jesus, take your place following Him. Not just when others watch, but all the time. God will see you and others will see you too and know who you are following.
Maybe sometimes Judah did not like the way the cloud was going, but he had no choice but to follow it, or stay in the dark and get lost. It took them 40 years, but God’s way was perfect every step of the way, and He brought them to the Promised Land. God always keeps His promises. But if you try to fight against Him, even as a true Christian, you will find that He loves you and knows how to teach you. Rebelling is a very hard path.
All the other tribes followed too, in their God-given order, and right in the center was the golden ark. This was before Jesus died on the cross, and God watched it all from His home in heaven. But now Jesus has become a Man. He knows your footsteps through this world, and He cares enough even to send painful times so that we will learn to follow and trust in Him. “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid” (Isaiah 12:2).
MEMORY VERSE: “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid.” Isaiah 12:2