Which Will You Choose-Rich in Heaven or Poor in Hell?

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There were two men who knew each other;
One was rich, the other a beggar;
The rich wore clothes of pretty purple;
The poor wore dirty rags, quite awful.
The man of wealth feasted on good food;
The hungry beggar, a crumb he chewed;
Brothers and friends partied with the rich;
The beggar’s friends were dogs from a ditch.
The man with money, healthy and strong;
The beggar, sick and sore all day long;
Suddenly one day both lives ended!
Now where do you think their souls landed?
Poor Lazarus home to heaven went!
Not because he was poor, but God sent
His dear Son, Jesus, to die for sins;
His precious blood made him clean within.
The rich one, well, I’m sorry to tell
His money couldn’t save him from hell;
On earth he showed he didn’t believe:
He’s stuck now forever—He can’t leave!
But you and I are still free to choose;
Accept Jesus as Lord—you can’t lose!
He’s calling your name with loving voice;
Hell is an endless, very sad choice.
(You may read this true story in Luke 16:19-26.)