White as Snow.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 1min
Dear little readers, do you know
Of anything as white as snow—
The snow so pure and fresh and white,
Which glistens in the morning light?
“Ah no,” you say, “there cannot be
One thing on earth besides, so free
From all defilement as the snow,
Not one thing else so white we know.”
Well, do you know that you may be
As white as snow, as pure, as free?
If on the Saviour you believe,
This wondrous blessing you’ll receive.
Your sins are dark, but Jesus died,
The cruel soldier pierced His side,
From whence His precious blood did flow:
And that can make you white as snow.
It washes all our sins away.
And we who trust in Christ can say—
“We once were black with sins, we know
But now we are as white as snow.”
Now little reader, can you say
That all your sins are washed away?
If not, oh come to Jesus now,
And He will make you white as snow.
ML 02/24/1918