"Whiter Than Snow" and "Fair Colors"

“YES, you speak the truth,” said a young man with whom I was talking, my heart yearning with desire that he should know and love my Lord as his Saviour. “It says,” he continued, “Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.” Said I, “Are you washed? Do you know that you are a sinner? People do not like to be told that they are sinners and can do no good thing, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” He looked up with such a bright smile, saying, “He forgives. There is forgiveness for the sinner, forgiveness is the washing we need.” I felt he had experienced by faith the forgiveness of sins.
Then I showed him my wonderful snow-white chrysanthemums that I had bought at a sale of work three weeks before. Pure, pure white they had been, but as I had placed them in the blazing sunlight for a fortnight the sun had brought out “fair colors” on every petal — violet, red and magenta — which gave them especial beauty. “Thus,” I said, “we who are washed clean and white in His blood shall, if we live in the Light of the Sun of Righteousness, produce ‘fair colors’ to His glory and honor (Isa. 54:11), specially blood-washed, afflicted, sick and sorrowing ones.”
Emily P. Leakey