Whiter Than Snow.

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A KIND-HEARTED Christian gentleman was one day visiting, and giving away gospel tracts from door to door. Upon knocking at the door of one house, he received no answer, so he knocked again, but still no response; so being tired of waiting he pushed open the door and walked in.
O, what a sight he saw!
Standing in the middle of the kitchen was a woman with a large bowl of water, some soap, and a nice clean towel, calling to her son. So being unnoticed he listened with great interest to the little conversation that was going on.
“Harry, you naughty boy, come and be washed,” cried his mother.
But there stood Harry upon the kitchen door-step, with his hands stuffed in pockets, shaking his head and laughing.
“Harry, are you coming?” called his mother again. But Harry refused to come to be washed.
Listen, boys and girls; just as Harry’s mother was waiting to cleanse her darling boy from all his stains, and make him bright and clean, so Jesus is waiting to wash and cleanse every boy and girl that will come to Him, and make them “whiter than snow.”
Not from the stains of dirt, but from the dark stains of their sins.
Not with soap and water, but with His own precious blood. “The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.”
O, boys and girls, do not be like Harry, and refuse to come to Him; but rather be like David, and let his prayer be yours: “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Psa. 51:7.)
ML 01/16/1916