Who Are Invited?

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 4
THE question before you is often asked in this world. When people are going to take part in balls, and dinner-parties, and revels, and frolics, it is a common thing to say, "'Who are invited?”
The question I want you to consider to-day is one of a very different sort. I want you to consider who are invited to come to Christ. Do you know? Do you think you are one The Lord Jesus invites "all that labor and are heavy-laden." The expression is wide, sweeping, and comprehensive. It describes the case of millions in every part of the world.
Where are the laboring and heavy-laden? They are everywhere. They are a multitude that man can scarcely number. They are to be found in every climate, and in every country under the sun.
They belong to every class. There is no exception. They are to be found among masters as well as among servants—among rich as well as among poor. In every class you will find trouble, care, sorrow, anxiety, murmuring, discontent, and unrest. What does it mean? What does it all come to? Men are "laboring and heavy-laden.”
How shall we explain this? What is the cause of the state of things which I have just tried to describe? Are governments to blame because men are not happy? At most to a very slight extent. The fault lies far too deep to be reached by human laws. There is another cause, a cause which many unhappily refuse to see. THAT CAUSE IS SIN.
Sin and departure from God are the true reasons why men are everywhere laboring and heavy-laden. Sin is the cause of all the burdens which now press down mankind. Most men know it not, and weary themselves in vain to explain the state of things around them. But sin is the great root and foundation of all sorrow, whatever proud man may think. How much men ought to hate sin!
Are you one of those who are laboring and heavy-laden? Very likely you are. There are thousands of men and women in the world who are inwardly uncomfortable, and yet will not confess it. They feel a burden on their hearts, which they would gladly get rid of, and yet they do not know the way. Disguise it as some will, there are multitudes uncomfortable because they know they are not prepared to meet God. And you, perhaps, are one.
If you are laboring and heavy-laden, you are the very person to whom the Lord Jesus Christ sends an invitation this day. If you have an aching heart, and a sore conscience; if you want rest for a weary soul, and know not where to find it; if you want peace for a guilty heart, and are at a loss which way to turn, you are the man, you are the woman, to whom Jesus speaks to-day. There is hope for you. I bring you tidings. "Come unto Me," says Jesus, "and I will give you rest.”
You may tell me this invitation cannot be meant for you, because you are not good enough to be invited by Christ. I answer, that Jesus does not speak to the good, but to the laboring and heavy-laden. Do you know anything of this feeling? Then you are one to whom He speaks. You are invited.
You may tell me that the invitation cannot be meant for you, because you are a sinner, and know nothing about religion. I answer, that it matters nothing what you are, or what you have been. Do you at this moment feel laboring and heavy-laden? Then you are one to whom Jesus speaks. You are invited.
You may tell me that you cannot think the invitation is meant for you, because you are not yet converted, and have such a wicked heart. I answer, that Christ's invitation is not addressed to the converted, but to the laboring and heavy-laden. Is this what you feel? Is there any burden on your heart? Then you are one of those to whom Christ speaks. You are invited.
You may tell me that you have no right to accept this invitation, because you do not know that you are one of God's elect. I answer, that you have no right to put words in Christ's mouth, which God has not used. He does not say, "Come unto Me, all ye that are elect." He addresses all the laboring and heavy-laden ones without any exception. Are you one of them? Is there weight within on your soul? This is the only question you have to decide. If you are, you are one of those to whom Christ speaks. You are invited.
I entreat you not to refuse the invitation. Do not forsake your own mercies. The best of friends holds out His hand to you. Let not pride, or self-righteousness, or fear of ridicule, make you reject His proffered love. Take Him at His word. Say to Him, “Lord Jesus Christ, I am laboring and heavy-laden. I come to Thee for rest." J. C. R.