Daniel Webster was having dinner with some literary men in Boston. During the meal the men began to inquire about Christianity. Mr. Webster said that he believed that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Saviour.
“Can you understand how Christ could be both God and man?” asked one of the men.
“I cannot. If I could, He would be no greater than myself. I need a superhuman Saviour,” replied Mr. Webster.
In this day when the deity of the Lord Jesus is denied on every hand, it is most important that we stand firm for the truth. It is His Person that gives value to His work, but let us not try to understand it. We are only called upon to believe it.
“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” 1 John 2:23.
ML 08/05/1956