LITTLE Helen was only three years old, and, on the day of which I am speaking, as the family was at dinner, she was busy with spoon and fork in hand, and her blue eyes looking around the table, and her little ears listening to all that was said.
“I wish that Maggie would hurry home. for we must start soon,” said the mother, looking at the clock.
“Yes”, replied Susie, the elder sister, “for we cannot leave the children only with Ann.”
Baby Helen looked from one to another, and then in her own little language said,
“Jeser (Jesus) will take care of we.” O! how I wish every one of our young friends could say with happy assurance, “Jesus takes care of me.”
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.
“I will never leave thee; nor forsake thee.” Heb. 13:5.
ML 05/31/1925