"Whosoever Will May Come"

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A little girl who had heard very little of the Saviour, commenced to go to Sunday school and eagerly listened to the story of Jesus and His love.
One Sunday she was missing from her place, and during the following week the teacher received a message asking her to call to see the little girl who was ill.
“O! teacher,” she said when the lady entered the room, “I do want to know the way to be saved.”
“There is only one way,” the teacher replied, and she tried to explain in simple language God’s wonderful love in sending Jesus to be our Saviour and Friend. “Because He has died for sinners, God says that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Soon after that she left, thinking how wonderful was God’s salvation which comes freely to all who will receive it simply by faith.
The next time she saw the little girl she said,
“I am so happy because I have trusted Jesus, and I know I am saved, because He says so!”
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Acts 16:31.
ML 01/15/1939