"Whosoever Will."

A SHORT time ago, in the cathedral square of the city in which I live, a drinking fountain was erected to the memory of a great temperance advocate. Thousands flocked to see the ceremony of unveiling performed, and to hear the eloquent speeches delivered.
The next day, when all the hubbub and excitement was over, I was told the fountain was so high that some tiny children struggled in vain for a drink. Ah! thought I, how unlike the gospel.
The Gospel invitation is to “whosoever will.” The drinking fountain was erected with the best of intentions, but it was, after all, beyond the reach of a certain class. Not so the gospel of God. The vilest sinner out of hell is within the reach of its blessings.
Alas! alas! he seeks satisfaction at the broken, empty cisterns of pleasure, sin, and lust, and shuts his eyes to the darkening evening of life and the darker eternity beyond.
A gay, godless man lay dying. His friends, anxious to make his last moments as easy as they could, offered him water. In anguish he cried, “Water cannot quench my thirst; I’m going to hell, I’m going to hell.” So he passed to his reckoning.
Solemnly true it is that an unquenchable thirst rages in hell, never to be satisfied—NEVER.
There is none to pass that
with a drop of water upon the tip of his finger, to assuage the awful thirst of hell.
Oh friend, as I warn you to escape from the wrath to come, and entreat you to pause in your downward journey, let me carry you in thought to a scene that should break your heart and bow your soul in submission at the Saviour’s feet.
The apostle Paul could triumphantly exclaim, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Tim. 1:15).
Yes! blessed be His name. He
“Came from Godhead’s brightest glory
Down to Calvary’s depth of woe.”
What an exchange! and on that cross, when enduring the hatred of man, the punishment of sin, and the hiding of God’s face, He cried out, in deepest anguish―
Reader, are not these two words eloquent in their very simplicity? They speak loudly to you of His devotion and love, and of God’s holiness. He thirsted on the cross that you might never thirst in hell. He endured the cross and glorified God, and now He adorns the throne of God in brightest glory—the Saviour of sinners.
Now the living waters of endless satisfaction are flowing for ALL.
“WHOSOEVER will, let him take the water of life FREELY” (Rev. 22:17). Ah! reader, that word “whosoever” takes you in, and “freely” shuts out the possibility of your making the blessing yours by aught that you can give or do.
A young medical student lay dying. His Christian uncle was sitting by his side, putting the fullness and simplicity of God’s gospel before him.
The young fellow had sown his wild oats, and now he was reaping the sad harvest. His wasted life lay behind him; death and
stared him in the face.
“Uncle,” said he wistfully, “do you mean to tell me that God will receive me, as worthless as this sucked-out orange?” dropping the skin on the floor as he spoke.
“Yes,” eagerly responded the uncle.
“Then I will come to Him,” was the subdued answer, reminding me of the prodigal of old who said, “I will arise and go to my Father.” We all know the glad reception that awaited him.
Oh! if you only knew how God had freely sent His Son—how Christ upon the cross glorified Him as to sin—how that same Jesus is now in brightest glory—how God is finding His highest delight in picking up worthless sinners and making them fit companions for His Son in glory, you would trust in Him this moment. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31).
“His is love, ‘tis love unbounded,
Without measure, without end,
Human thought is here confounded,
‘Tis too vast to comprehend.”
A. J. P.