Why He Carried the Bag!

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 4
I WAS preaching in a good sized town in Scotland. In the house where I stayed a young man lived with his parents, who were decided Christians. This youth was most resolute in the determination that he would not be converted. For long he would not come to the meetings. He heard of the conversion of his brother and sisters, but he was still resolute.
One night, to my surprise and joy, I saw my young friend for the first time enter the hall, and take a seat just inside the door, as if he desired that nobody should see him.
When we got home to his father's house he made not a single remark to me, and I made none either.
I had to leave at 6 o'clock in the morning. His sisters used to rise and give me breakfast, but that morning to our amazement in walked Willie. His sisters looked surprised to see him, and more so, when, as I bade "Good-bye" to them, Willie said, "If you will allow me, doctor, I will carry your bag to the station." I was delighted, and thanked him.
As I got into the train and was saying, "Goodbye" I said, "I suppose the carrying of that bag means this, Willie, that from this day forth you are to be on the Lord's side.”
“That is exactly what I mean," he replied. "I wanted to confess that I was converted to God last night.”
He did not live very long after that and it was a good, thing that he turned to the Lord when he did.
But what of you, my reader? You may not have long to live. Are you ready to die? Remember your sins. And after death comes the judgment. Are you ready?
There is only one way of being ready. The Lord says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6). You must trust Christ as your personal Savior. Works and tears and religious activity will not effect your salvation. It must be faith in Christ and in Him alone.