How is it that children of God carry their own tares? Does not our heavenly Father invite us to cast all our care upon Him, and because He careth for us? Why, then, are we so careful and troubled about many things? Does it honor God? Does it do us good? Can it benefit others? Must it not arise from some hidden, self-sufficient feeling? Is it the way of faith? Does it not spring from unbelief? Does it not damage our souls, weaken faith, and often lead us out of communion with the Lord? Has He not told us that the cares of the world choke the word, and hinder fruitfulness? Oh! that we could constantly and unhesitatingly accept the loving counsel of our gracious God and Father: “Be careful for nothing;” and again, “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.”
“CHILD of my love― ‘Lean hard,’
And let me feel the pressure of thy care.
I know thy burden, child; I shaped it,
Poised it in mine own hand, made no proportion
Of its weight to thine unaided strength.
For even as I laid it on I said,
‘I shall be near; and, while she lean on me,
This burden shall be mine, not hers;
So shall I keep my child within the circling arms
Of mine own love.’ Here lay it down; nor fear
To impose it on a shoulder which upholds
The government of worlds. Yet closer come―
Thou art not near enough; I would embrace thy care,
So I might feel my child reposing on my breast.
Thou lovest me? ―I know it. Doubt not, then;
But loving me― ‘Lean hard.’”