wild beast of the islands

“Islands, Isles” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

There are no islands near to Palestine. Cyprus is the nearest, and that is about seventy miles from the nearest point of Syria, far north. So that the term “the isles” may be used at times indefinitely for places or nations far off. We read of “the isles which are beyond the sea,” “the isles afar off,” and “isles of the Gentiles” (Gen. 10:5 and more; Jer. 25:22; Jer. 31:10 and more). It is thought that in some places in the prophets the sea-coasts or maritime countries are intended. Definite islands are also mentioned, especially in the New Testament when Paul began his missionary journeys.

“Beast” From Concise Bible Dictionary:

Besides the ordinary use of this word—such as distinguishing all animals from man, (Ex. 9:10; Psa. 36:6); and as specifying quadrupeds from fowls and creeping things, (Gen. 8:19)— the word is used symbolically for the ignorance of man (Psa. 73:22); and for his acting as an irrational creature, that is, without conscience before God. The word is beir, translated “brutish” in (Psa. 94:8; Jer. 10:8,14,21; Jer. 51:17). Great worldly powers, cheyva, θηρίον, having different characters according to the symbolic creature specified, but signifying in each case the absence of all moral connection with God: used by Daniel for the four great kingdoms, (Dan. 7:3-23); and in Revelation 13:1 to Revelation 20:10 for the revived Roman empire and for the Antichrist, God’s executive powers in creation and providence, ζῶον, unhappily translated “beasts” in the A.V. in Revelation 4:6-9, where it should be “living creatures,” as in Ezekiel. See LIVING CREATURES.

Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:

probably identical with 337 (through the idea of a doleful sound); a howler (used only in the plural), i.e. any solitary wild creature; --wild beast of the islands.