Wild Horses

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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WHEN the Williams family from New York City were visiting a ranch in Wyoming, they were taken out for a horseback ride. However, before they got to the coal where the riding horses were, Johnny spotted some beautiful mustangs out in the field.
“I want to ride those horses, Daddy,” exclaimed Johnny. But the rancher told him he could not ride those mustangs because they had not been “broken.” “They would buck you right off,” he told Johnny. So they rode on the riding horses.
In the Bible (Luke 19:29-40), you can read the story of how the Lord Jesus rode a wild little donkey, just like the wild mustangs in our story. Even though the little donkey had never been broken, it did not try to get rid of the Lord Jesus, but went on its way quiet, obedient and good.
When we are born, we are like the little donkey and those mustangs; we have a wild nature that wants to go its own way. We need to have our wills broken before we can be of any use to the Lord Jesus. We need to be saved, to have a new birth, to own the claims of the Lord Jesus over us and to submit to His will. Only by His grace can we do this. When we come and tell Him that we are rebellious, disobedient sinners, and ask Him to come into our hearts, He will cleanse us from all our sin; He will give us a new life and a new nature the same as His, one that delights to please Him and go in the way He would have us go.
“If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor. 5:17.