Hymn Appendix #58.
This writer was born in Scotland in 1751 and received his education at Mareschal College in Aberdeen. When and Under what circumstances he was brought to Christ is not known from our sources of information. In 1775 he was in association with others employed in altering and amending the paraphrases of Scripture used in the Scottish Church, and which were appended to the version of Psalms for public worship. Ten years later he was ordained to the ministry and settled in Kirknewton, in Mid-Lothian, Scotland. To him are attributed the 66th, 14th and 17th of the Scottish Paraphrases; and one of his hymns, commencing “How bright those glorious spirits shine,” is confessedly an alteration of Isaac Watts’ hymn. William Cameron left this scene, which is filled with “trifles light as air” as expressed in his hymn mentioned herein, on November 17, 1811. He is now in the place “whence living waters flow.”