When the Lord Jesus is ruling over this world, His people shall be willing to do what He desires. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were willing in this day of His rejection to say as little Samuel, “Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth” (1 Sam. 3:9)?
Many things that we must do each day can be performed easily if we “do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Col. 3:23). We are not commanded to do things for the Lord, because the term “let us” in Hebrews expresses the desire of the new nature to do things for the Lord out of a willing heart. It is the response of a redeemed heart for all that has been done by a giving God.
While walking with the two going to Emmaus, why do you suppose the Lord Jesus made “as though He would have gone further”? He wanted to see if they would willingly invite Him into their home.
1. In the Old Testament they were required to give the tenth part to the Lord (Lev. 27:32). Today, what kind of giver does God love? 2 Corinthians 9:___
2. When the Lord exercises His power in Zion, in what attitude will His people serve Him? Psalm 110:___
3. When David gave thanks before the congregation, what did he say about himself and the people, concerning the offering that was made to the Lord?
1 Chronicles 29:___
4. What does it say about the men and women who brought an offering of gold unto the Lord? 1 Chronicles 29:___
5. The Lord does not expect us to give what we do not have, but what must we have first before we give anything? 2 Corinthians 8:___