Will lived close to his grandfather’s farm, and most days he loved to go there to see what was going on. But on the days when he knew his grandpa was going to butcher an animal that had been raised for meat, Will stayed away. Still, he wasn’t always able to avoid seeing the butchering going on. One moment the animal was alive, and then it was killed and soon ready to be cut up and become meat for many meals for his grandpa’s family. The butchering was messy and even a little bit scary to watch.
Will’s family loved the Lord Jesus. Every evening after dinner, they all brought their Bibles and read a chapter from that precious book. Will had often heard how God the Father had sent His only, much-loved Son into the world to be hung on a cross to die for sinners. Will knew he was a sinner and needed to be saved, but he just never got around to settling the matter of his sins with the Lord Jesus.
One night when Will was seventeen, he had a horrible dream. In his dream something had happened at school, and because of what had happened, some of the students were going to be butchered, just like Will had seen the animals killed on his grandpa’s farm.
In his dream, the butcher pointed at Will and said, “Your turn next!”
Will thought, Oh no! ... I’m not saved, and I’m going to die and end up in hell! Still in his dream, he cried to the Lord Jesus to save his sinful soul! Then he woke up.
Wow! Am I ever glad that was only a dream! But I’d better hurry right now and ask the Lord to save me for real! Otherwise I might die without being ready, and how awful that would be! And Will did just that and settled the matter of his sins with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you settled the matter of your sins with the Lord Jesus who died for you and made the payment for sin? He loves you and wants you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Do you know that we can’t take even one sin into heaven with us? They must all be washed away in Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. All you have to do is tell Him that you are truly sorry for your sins and that you want Him to remove them forever, which is what Will did. He was relieved to have the matter settled once and for all. Now He knows that no matter what happens in his life, Jesus is his Saviour and he is ready for heaven.
If you have not come to Jesus yet to be cleansed from your sins, won’t you do it right now? Don’t be like Will and wait until you are seventeen. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). “In whom we have redemption through [Jesus’] blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7).
Memory Verse: “In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7