Tel Aviv
There are several Hebrew words so translated. Windows were openings to admit light and for ventilation; not glazed, but furnished with latticed work, through which persons could, though themselves unobserved, see what was passing outside. Some had shutters attached. There was a window in the ark Noah built, and windows in the temple; and many are to be made in the temple described by Ezekiel (Gen. 6:16; Gen. 8:6; 1 Kings 7:4-5; Ezek. 40:16-36).
Latticework Window Screen (Mashrabiyya)
In the East windows were usually made to open horizontally, which explains how a person sitting in a window could fall out (Acts 20:9). The passage in Isaiah 54:12, “I will make thy windows of agates,” is better translated, “I will make thy battlements, or pinnacles, of rubies.” At the flood the expression the “windows of heaven” is in the sense of the “floodgates,” as in the margin (Gen. 7:11).