The younger brothers in assemblies have greater privilege and responsibility than perhaps in any time past. Never before has it been such a difficult matter to stand for the truth. And it will require much spiritual energy and grace from the Lord to be able to do so. Among believers, as a general rule, there seems to be an increasing deadness a spirit of coldness and looseness. I am sure that only those who go on in communion will be kept.
No doubt Satan will continue to bring troubles, succeeding each other like the waves of the sea, among assemblies. There is not much room for him to introduce false doctrine where believers have been gathered by His Spirit and by His grace “hold the head.” But he seeks rather to weary and wear out the saints, as his instrument will do in another day (Dan. 7:25). With increasing troubles, many saints will tire out and give up in discouragement. With those who do not really have a sense of the Lord’s presence, each new trouble will have its effect. Only those with their eyes on the Lord will be kept.
Many will be so distressed and wearied by the mounting storm of troubles that they will seek to find rest in an independent and isolated path. They will throw up their hands in sheer weariness and say: “It is no use trying to go on any longer. It’s just too much. I’ll separate from the whole thing and seek to be faithful alone.”
But this is not the Lord’s way. He will have a corporate testimony on the earth to the end (Rev. 3:8). This testimony is a collective, not an individual, one, though often only individuals may be found in it. But the Lord’s Word for a day of ruin, down to the very end, is, “Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:22). There will be always the “with them” while the church (assembly) is here.
A nice word in this connection is found in Psalm 119:63: “I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and of them that keep Thy precepts.” Remember too that beautiful verse in Malachi 3:16: “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His name.”
One longs, through grace, to be found faithful. If I should leave the Lord’s presence at His table, no matter for what cause, it would still be the Lord’s table. My leaving it would not change it.
It might be easier to nature to relieve myself of all corporate responsibility and walk alone. But it is not the Lord’s way. Surely He knows how to reward those who seek to finish their course in the path of His good pleasure!
W. Potter