"With You Always"

A mother one morning gave her two little ones books and toys to amuse them, while she went to attend to some work in an upper room.
Five minutes passed quietly; and then a timid voice at the foot of the stairs called out, “Mamma, are you there?” “Yes, darling.”
“All right, then”; and the child went back to its play. By and by the question was repeated, “Mamma, are you there?”
“All right, then”; and the little ones, re-assured of their mother’s presence, again returned to their toys.
Thus how sweet it is for us, when in doubt and loneliness, to look up to the Lord Jesus not to ask, Are you there? but to know that He is there, watching over us—guarding, guiding. Blessed Saviour, Thou art there!
Think, dear friends of the loneliness of a house without children; as one has said, “It seems like a garden without flowers, like a cage without a bird, like a heaven without stars.”