Wonderful Love

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
"You are the ugliest old woman I've ever set eyes on." That was the cruel taunt hurled at an old woman as she stood at her cottage door.
Without doubt she was an ugly old woman. Not only had great age wrinkled her face and bent her body; but a life of sin had left its scars upon her. Altogether she looked as if she well deserved the reputation of being the ugliest old woman in all that countryside.
But recently she had been converted to God; and she let all her neighbors know it. It was with the idea of raising her quick temper that this ungodly tormentor told her that she was the ugliest of women.
But it produced a different response to what was intended. Instead of her eyes flashing with wrath they filled with tears. Her heart melted as she thought of her Savior's love. And ugly though she was, the moral beauty of the grace of Jesus shone out in her reply as, in a voice trembling with emotion she cried, "Wasn't it wonderful love that could love an ugly old woman like me?"