Wondrous Is Thy Love Lord Jesus

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
Wondrous is Thy love Lord Jesus!
By Thy Spirit told to me;
Love that knows no change, no ending,
Boundless as eternity!
In the Father’s home in glory,
By the heavenly hosts adored,
Seraphs in Thy presence crying,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord!
Thou the Father’s only treasure,
One with Him upon the throne,
Could’st Thou not enjoy the glory,
And the Father’s love alone?
No! for in the far-off country,
Deeply sunk in guilt and sin,
Was the bride Thy Father gave Thee:
Thou didst die that bride to win.
Thou didst change her filthy raiment
For the “wedding garment” fair;
And the riches of Thy glory
To her wondering heart declare.
Now ascended in the glory,
Thou dost still in her delight;
And Thy work of grace wilt perfect
When she sees that glory bright.
Yes! the one Thy love has purchased
Thou hast said shalt share Thy Throne;
When as King in Zion reigning,
Heaven and earth Thy name shall own.
She for that glad time is waiting,
Longing now her Lord to see;
In His presence to adore Him,
Like Him evermore to be.
Thou art coming soon, Lord Jesus!
Let this hope our spirits cheer,
While we follow in Thy footsteps,
By the world rejected here.
With our eye upon the glory,
May we here Thy image bear,
Till with all Thy blood-bought children
We shall meet Thee in the air.
S. B.
Courtesy of BibleTruthPublishers.com. Most likely this text has not been proofread. Any suggestions for spelling or punctuation corrections would be warmly received. Please email them to: BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com.