Wondrous Love

How great was God’s kindness, how wondrous His love!
He sent His own Son from the glory above,
To tell us the story of grace full and free,
To suffer for sins upon Calvary’s tree.
It was for thee! It was for thee!
Yes, God has Himself found a ransom for thee.
His work is all finished, He’s risen again;
In glory we see Him, the Lamb that was slain,
And through Him forgiveness is published to all.
O, list to the tidings! O, hear His sweet call!
It is for thee! It is for thee!
Yes, God is proclaiming free pardon for thee.
Now all things are ready, God bids you to come;
The feast is prepared, He will welcome you home.
Why then should you tarry? Why should you delay?
Believe the blest message He sends you today
It is for thee! It is for thee!
The glorious gospel is sounding for thee.
ML 05/28/1922