Work Amongst the Children.

CHILDREN always held a very large place in Dr. Wreford’s heart. He loved them dearly, and ever sought to win them for the Saviour, Who, when He was on earth, took them in His Arms, and blessed them.
At the age of sixteen Dr. Wreford was the superintendent of a ragged school. He has often told me about the children’s meetings that he held; and of the children’s rapt attention to the Gospel. Yea, so great was their interest that only the ticking of the clock upon the wall could be heard, and the sobs of children who wanted to be saved. And great numbers were saved among them.
One little girl who loved the Saviour was very ill, and day by day grew worse. As she was dying she got out of bed and knelt down and prayed, “Lord Jesus, please take me Home: I am so tired.” Then, still upon her knees, she laid her little head upon the counterpane and passed away. So the Lord Jesus folded the little tired lamb to His tender bosom, and gathered her in His arms of love. Another instance I remember Dr. Wreford telling me not very long ago. He said, a little girl who had given her young heart to the Lord Jesus, was once taken ill. When visiting her one day he felt he wanted to be sure of her faith in Christ, and asked, “Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ?” Whereupon she replied, with a beaming countenance (and pointing to her bedroom door), “If Jesus were to come in at that door I should throw my arms around His neck, and kiss Him.” Real love indeed.
In our present work for God the children have a large place. Hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Testaments have been sent to children. We also constantly receive requests for Testaments from Sunday School teachers and workers, from ministers and day-school teachers, and others who work amongst the children. Many we know have been saved through receiving, and believing in their hearts, the Word of God that has been sent to them from our Depot.