Working for Jesus

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Daniel had often gone to Sunday school, and always enjoyed hearing stories of Daniel and David and Moses. I think the story of Daniel was his favorite probably because he had the same name.
He always loved to hear stories about the Lord Jesus and the miracles that He did. He liked to read his own little Bible and to sing hymns. But in spite of all this, little Daniel had never really given his heart to the Lord Jesus. But soon the Word of God had its effect on his little heart, and he began to feel sure that he must accept the Lord Jesus for himself, for he knew that he was a sinner.
And so it happened that he came home from Sunday school one day, and went right to his bed room. After a little time, he opened the door and came out again, with a bright happy smile on his face.
“Mother,” he said, “I’m saved now. I have just nov-taken the Lord as my Saviour.” You may be very sure that his mother’s heart was filled with joy, and she kissed her boy, and they prayed together.
The next morning, Daniel got up earlier than usual, and slipped quietly down stairs just as his mother was starting to get the breakfast.
“Why, Daniel, why are you up so early this morning?”
“Now that I am saved, mother, I thought I would like to help you all I can.”
Mother stopped to wipe away a tear. Then she kissed her boy again, and together they worked away happily getting the breakfast.
Just which part of this story fits you? Are you like Daniel at first when he went so regularly to Sunday school, and enjoyed it, but was not yet saved? Or are you like Daniel now, having taken the Lord Jesus as your Saviour? He loves you and wants you now.
If you now know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, have you ever thought of what He would have you do for Him? You don’t need to wait till you are grown up to live for Him. Kindness and obedience at home, and a willingness to help mother and to help others, is surely a wonderful way to please the Lord Jesus and I hope these things are seen in your life. But remember, Daniel came to Jesus first himself, and you must do this too.
ML 06/03/1956