World Order and Disorder Revisited

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In a recent issue of The Christian (February, 2023), I discussed the concept of world order, and how this was being eroded by the events of the past few years. Using quotations from various authors today, I pointed out that the so-called “world order” of the past 75 years was in danger of being seriously disrupted by events such as the Covid pandemic, the war between Russia and the Ukraine, and by the rise of China as a world superpower. I also quoted from a prominent Canadian newspaper, where the author emphasized that the default condition of the world was rather disorder, instead of order. He pointed out that “order must be endlessly rebuilt ... [in] a hostile world that is tirelessly working to undo our efforts.”
Anyone who looks at the present world situation with a reasonable and honest mind will admit that world order is indeed giving way to disorder, at both the individual and also government levels. We can be thankful indeed for the measure of stability that does exist, but it is quickly being swept away.
As I write this in March, 2023, an event occurred a few days ago that bears on this subject, and perhaps deserves a comment. Chinese president Xi Jinping made a state visit to Russia for several days, and both he and Russian president Vladimir Putin had lengthy discussions about the relationship between the two countries. The visit was attended with the usual pomp and ceremony, and after signing documents concerning their intended cooperation with each other, both men issued public statements about the success of the visit. Their statements clearly showed that both countries intend to work together to advance their respective economic and military interests, but most important was perhaps a statement by Xi Jinping. He is quoted as saying, “No matter how the international landscape may change, China will stay committed to advancing China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era.” From other statements that were made, both recently and in the past, it is clear that Russia and China intend to work together toward a new world order that will diminish the influence of the West and instead emphasize the policies and outlook of totalitarian states.
Setting the Stage
It has often been pointed out that it is dangerous to try and interpret prophecy in the light of events in this day of God’s grace, for the church, as a heavenly company, is not the subject of prophecy. Because prophecy concerns the earth, the church period is left out of the reckoning of prophetic time. However, as we are so near to the Lord’s coming, it is not wrong to look out and see God “setting the stage” for events that will occur after the church is called home. We may well ask ourselves, Will Russia and China be able to effect this “new era” that they envision? While they may have some effect on the world in the short term, yet it is clear from prophecy that during the tribulation period, the Roman beast, as head of the western confederacy, will dominate the scene. His power will be such that “all the world” will wonder after him, and will say, “Who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13:3-4). It is quite possible that the agreement between Russia and China will push the West, and especially Europe, to unite in opposition to them. Internal squabbles will be forgotten in their efforts to unite against common foes. This has already happened to a large extent, fueled by both the Covid pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war.
We know that in the time of the end Russia will certainly be a force to be reckoned with, but it is clear that they will not come down to the land of Israel to “take a prey” (Ezek. 38:12) until the beast and his armies, and also the king of the north, have been destroyed by the Lord. Not much is said specifically about China in prophecy, but they will be involved at the time of the end, for we read in Revelation 16:12 That “the water thereof (the Euphrates river) was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” In the matter of totalitarian government vs. democracy, it would seem that eventually there will be no need for China and Russia to try and force this issue, for despite the existence of democratic governments in most western countries, it is clear that the Roman beast will be a despotic ruler. While there may be opposition to his rise to power, yet we see from Scripture that concerning the various kingdoms under His control, “God hath put in their hearts to fulfil His will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast” (Rev. 17:17). However, this transition to totalitarian rule will not be without a struggle, and will evidently not be complete.
The Image of Nebuchadnezzar
In the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream (Dan. 2:31-35), we read that the feet and toes were “part of potters’ clay, and part of iron” (vs. 41). The iron has often been compared to totalitarian rule, while the clay may represent a democratic form of government. These two do not mix, and while there might seem to be pros and cons to both, yet we know from Scripture that God uses totalitarian forms of government. Historically, many authoritarian governments have been headed up by wicked men who have oppressed the people, while they themselves lived in luxury. In the 20th century, the world witnessed the awful toll on human life that resulted from dictators like Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceausescu and others. The same tradition is being carried on by men like Vladimir Putin today.
While democracy has seemed to work for a while, it is becoming increasingly clear that it works only when its freedom of choice results in service self-chosen and sacrifice self-imposed. As morality declines, democracy is unable to cope with the dire results. If our interpretation of the meaning of the iron and clay is correct, then it is evident that the struggle between democracy and totalitarianism will occur within the revived Roman Empire. Thus the kingdom of the Roman beast, while strong, will not have the cohesion and strength of the old Roman Empire. As Scripture says, it will be “partly strong, and partly broken” (Dan. 2:42). However, it will not be overcome by either Russia or China. Rather, it will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, as Russia will also eventually be destroyed.
The Coming Kingdom of Christ
As those who know the Lord Jesus as Savior, we can rest in the full assurance that He will soon have His rightful place. All government purely by man will disappear, for in that glorious millennial kingdom, “the government shall be upon His shoulder” (Isa. 9:6). He will take His place as King, and the world will experience the first really just government in its history. It will be a totalitarian government, but with Christ as its Head, it will be just and righteous. It will be characterized by a “rod of iron,” but a better translation says that “He shall shepherd them with an iron rod” (Rev. 19:15 JND). All the righteous power of the iron will be exercised with the care and tenderness of a shepherd.
As heavenly citizens, we can “watch from the sidelines,” as it were, and see the stage being set for the working out of God’s plans. Man may execute various maneuvers in order to try and stabilize this world, and various alliances may be formed to support one kind of world order over another. Yet in the end, God’s purposes will be fulfilled, and all the rest will fall to the ground. We can go on in peace, as the hymn says,
Through scenes of strife and desert life,
We tread in peace our way.
J. N. Darby
W. J. Prost