Another year has almost come to its close. 1941 will soon have passed into history. At this time of year most business firms and many individuals are getting ready to take an inventory. By careful tabulation of all stock on hand, and audits of the year’s business, they will know how much they have gained or lost during the past year. A careful analysis of the reports will discover to them errors in business practice, and will also show what has been truly profitable. No business man wants to lose money or business; nor does he want to continue in any course that is not profitable. For this reason a thorough, systematic audit and review is of great value in the business of this life.
May it not be profitable and wholesome at this time to review the past year in regard to our Christian lives? Every Christian, no matter how young he may be in the truth, should have made some spiritual progress in the year just drawing to a close. We can well understand that a babe who was only a day old last year at this time, will have grown considerably, unless he be most unusual. Thus, even the one who was saved only a year ago, should have grown in his soul correspondingly. Spiritual progress should continue as long as we are left in this world. Now, let us ask ourselves the question,
Have we grown in our souls during the past year? Have we increased in the “knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” in that time? If we do not know more of Him and of His Word, there is something wrong with us. Something has stunted us and hindered our growth. If a baby has not grown, the parents will most certainly consult a doctor to ascertain what is wrong, and what can be done to remedy the condition. If the business man discovers that he has not operated a profitable business, he will seek to correct the wrong, so that such a failure will not occur the next year.
Dear young Christian, be truthful with yourself. Have you really grown in your soul in 1941? It is not well to be continually occupied with yourself, for introspection in itself will not bring progress. But if at this time you realize that you have not made growth, you should be able to discern what has been the hindering factor. Surely there is something wrong.
If a baby does not grow, its lack of growth may be found to be the result of deficient diet. So it may be in your case. Perhaps you have not been feeding enough on the Word of God. Remember that you cannot grow without it. Just how much reading of the Word have you been doing? Has it been your daily food? Do you read it because you like it and want to know more of it, or as a mere formal duty? If you have failed in this, I urge you to confess it to your Father, and ask Him to help you read and meditate in it daily from henceforth. If you really meditate on the Scriptures, you will make such progress that your profiting will appear to others as well as to yourself (See 1 Tim. 4:15).
In the case of underdevelopment of a child, the physicians sometimes diagnose that the food he has been taking has been of the wrong kind. So it may be in the matter of our spiritual growth. Christians often use all of their available reading time in reading the things of this world – its fiction, its digests, its sports, or even its news. In some instances, malnutrition may be traced to the radio. Frequently we suggest the reading of Scripture, or some valuable tract or book, only to hear in reply that they have no time to read. Now, this may be true in some cases, but more often an honest investigation will disclose that there would have been time if the reading matter of this world had been dropped. We all have only a limited amount of time for quietness and reading, and our Christian progress will be determined largely by what we do with that time. May we remember the example of that dear saint of whom we read:
“Mary... sat at Jesus feet and heard His word... Mary hath chosen that good part.” Luke 10:39, 42.
Very much of what we learn and know of the world today is old tomorrow; and we should have been just as well off today if we had not known its topics of yesterday. How different with the things of God! Those things which we read and enjoy today, help to build us up for tomorrow and the day after. It is truly the wise choice to drop the reading of worldly and even earthly things to make room for that which will abide when all around is destroyed. Many have learned that they had to discontinue receiving magazines and newspapers so as to have the temptation out of the way. When we have time to sit down, it is all too easy to pick up and read that which will not profit. God charged His people of Israel with such a sad choice when He said,
“My people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.” A little later He gave the unhappy result,
“My people have forgotten me days without number.” Jeremiah 2:11, 32.
May God give both writer and reader grace to drop the things that do not profit, and to choose wisely those things that will minister proper food for our souls. Then we shall grow and make real progress which will be evident, and also helpful to others. The time is short – soon our blessed Lord who died for us will call us home to be with Him. May the few intervening days find us living for Him, and to His glory.