"You Do Wear Well"

I was taking a cup of coffee at a restaurant in Exeter, seated at the little table for two only, which I always occupy when I feel it right to go in for the luxury of a cup of coffee for mid-day lunch. Now let me tell you how I heard the remark, “You do wear well.” A stranger sat opposite me, a most agreeable gentleman, who (he told me) was in Exeter for a few hours only. “It is a beautiful old city, madam; have you known it long?” “Oh, yes,” said I. “I expect few have lived in Exeter as long as I,” and then I mentioned how long. Taking off his hat, he said, “You do wear well. How have you managed it? I only wish I may wear as well.”
“Sir,” I said,” if you wish to wear well, I tell my friends, work. Work hard and do not give way to laziness and coddling; but above all, and of first importance, seek the kingdom of God, as that promise stated in Matt. 6:33 says: ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.’ Food, clothing, the supply of every need, and many days if the Lord will.”
Reader, look at Psa. 34:12,13 and 14. Follow the advice and probably you will wear well.
Emily P. Leakey.