You must face eternity some time; why not face it now? You must pass out of this world, into that which is to come. Consider how it will then be with you. God is infinite in holiness, and you must stand before Him, and give account of yourself to Him. What have you to say?
Your sins are not forgotten by God—every idle word even, will be taken into account by Him. You have seen or heard of those who have felt the bitterness of their sins in this lifetime, and who have mourned in God’s presence about them, as they sought His pardon; but what will it be to feel the bitterness of sins, and to mourn over them before the judgment throne, where no pardon will be found?
Now, such as mourn shall he comforted; then, there will be no comfort.
Now, such as repent shall find foiveness; then, there will be no rentance unto salvation. O! face the stern realities of eternity.
“Prepare to meet thy God!”
Since you must face eternity before very long at the latest, why not face it now? Now, the Saviour waits to be gracious. Now, is your time; now, just now, this very hour.
“Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2.
ML 03/19/1944