Your Soul Is Immortal

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
This world and all in it must perish. You see change, decay and death all around you. The great Pyramids must some day give way before the march of time. Most of the mighty cities of history are now but dust; and the cities that remain are so changed that people who used to live in them years ago, would not know them now, if they were to return. Men speak of becoming immortal by their own deeds, but a few years will blot out their memory.
On one occasion the great Napoleon was in the famous art gallery of Louvre. He expressed his admiration of a priceless painting to a general of his staff at his side.
"Yes," replied the general, "it is immortal."
"Immortal!" exclaimed Napoleon; "how long will it last?"
"Three hundred or four hundred years," the officer replied.
Pointing to a magnificent statue nearby, Napoleon demanded:
"How long will that last?"
"Three or four hundred years," estimated the general.
Looking him in the eye the emperor asked:
"You call that immortality? Ah, nothing but our soul is immortal."
Reader, where will your immortal soul be for eternity.
"These shall go their way into everlasting punishment; but the righteous into life eternal." Matt. 25:4646And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. (Matthew 25:46).